How to Price Your Online Fitness Coaching Program: A Guide for Personal Trainers and Gym Owners

Pricing your online fitness coaching program can be a daunting task, especially if you're new to the online business world. One of the common questions personal trainers and gym owners ask when they venture online is, "How much should I charge for my online fitness coaching program?" This guide will provide insights into various pricing strategies to help you maximize profits and scale your online fitness business.

Understanding Pricing Models

There are numerous ways to price and package your online fitness program. These pricing models often fall into three different categories:

  1. Low Ticket Subscription: Ranging from $7 to $50 a month, these are usually basic services provided on a monthly subscription basis.

  2. Medium Ticket Price: Typically costing between $50 and $129 per month, this tier offers more personalized services or additional features.

  3. High Ticket Program: These premium services cost upwards of $129 per month. They are more comprehensive, often offering one-on-one coaching and personalized plans.

When setting your pricing structure, it is crucial to consider what your target market is willing and able to pay. However, it's essential to understand that higher-priced programs could potentially lead to a higher overall profit margin, even if they attract fewer clients.

Why High Ticket Programs are Recommended

The high ticket program approach is often recommended, especially for those just starting online. The reason is simple – it's much easier to justify a lower price point once a high anchor point has been established. If you initially sell a program for $30 a month, it becomes challenging to then justify why your new program is worth $400 a month.

Moreover, if you don't have a large customer list or social media following – referred to as distribution – selling a high ticket program could be more profitable. This approach allows you to earn a significant income with fewer clients, leaving you with more time to focus on providing a high-quality service.

The recommendation is often to start with high ticket programs until you've earned at least $100,000. At that point, you could consider diversifying your offers and introducing other pricing tiers.

How to Determine Your Price

While there are various strategies you can use to determine your price, here are two methods that could potentially work well for you:

  1. The Value-based Approach: This method involves calculating the total value of the services, guides, and materials you are offering to your clients. For instance, if you've created ebooks, nutrition templates, and other resources, what would be the total value of these products? The price of your program could be set to this value.

  2. The Desired Price Approach: This strategy involves first deciding on the price you want to sell your program at, then packing it with value until it reaches that price point. This method can be particularly useful if you haven't created any resources or materials yet.

One common mistake when pricing an online fitness program is basing the price on the time it takes to create the program or the time you will spend with the client. This approach is essentially trading your time for money, which isn't scalable in the long run.

Embrace the Online Marketplace

One of the main advantages of online coaching is the ability to reach clients worldwide. This global reach frees you from the pricing restrictions of your local market. In other words, the market demand, not your geographical location, should determine your online coaching program's price.

Don't be afraid to set a price that reflects the value you are providing, even if it's significantly higher than local rates. Remember, you're offering a valuable service that can deliver genuine results to clients.


Determining the price of your online fitness coaching program can be a challenging but essential process. When done right, your pricing strategy can be a key factor in growing and scaling your fitness business. The most important thing is to deliver value for your clients – that way, you can command the price that your services genuinely deserve.

Embrace your worth, value your time, and don't be afraid to charge what your services are genuinely worth. That's the path to a successful and profitable online fitness coaching business.

Sean Garner

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