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Fitness Business Coach | How To Find Your DREAM Online Fitness Training Clients

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If you're a fitness professional grappling with marketing in the online training world, you're likely familiar with the concept of finding a "dream client." This elusive idea can often seem confusing and daunting.

However, let me reassure you, finding your dream online fitness clients is simpler than you think, and it's absolutely crucial for the success of your health and fitness marketing agency. Here's why.

Appealing to everyone often results in attracting no one. As a fitness professional, you might have the skills to help a diverse clientele, but marketing to everyone isn't the most effective strategy. You need to identify the right clients for your fitness coaching business.

Identifying Your Dream Clients

Begin by eliminating traits and types of people you don't enjoy working with. Is there a client whose session you dread? Maybe they aren't easily coachable or their personality clashes with your own. Jot down these undesired traits to narrow down what you don't want in a client.

Next, think about your favorite clients, focusing on their character rather than their demographics. What makes them a joy to work with? Write these traits down to get a clear idea of the kind of clients you want to attract with your fitness marketing services.

Target Market vs. Niche

Often misunderstood and interchanged, the concepts of 'target market' and 'niche' are unique. Your target market refers to the group of people you feel called to serve. This calling is essential in the service industry, like the fitness sector.

On the other hand, your niche is the specialized service you provide to your target market. Having the skill set to serve various clients is a boon for your craft, but when it comes to marketing, you need a specialty. You want to be known for one thing you do exceptionally well.

Crafting Your Niche

Crafting your niche involves focusing on clients you deliver exceptional results for - the clients that make you internally excited to work with. It could be a specific demographic, like middle-aged men wanting to shed their beer belly, or it could be centered on a particular issue, like clients with movement pattern imbalances.

Note that you might not get this right the first time, and that's okay. The aim is to have a general direction. Pay attention to the types of people coming to you and adjust your strategy accordingly.

Bottom Line

Remember, the process of defining your target market and niche is dynamic and evolves with experience and observation. It starts with identifying the characters you want to work with, moves on to determining your target market, and finally crafting your niche. It's all about serving people in a way you're passionate about and delivering results in an area you're skilled at. By doing so, your fitness business will stand out in the fitness industry and your clients will notice the difference.